Having too much of these in March, i feel like no life already...

How about a woodworking project today?
Materials/ tools and my working buddies
Wood 1.5" x 0.5"
A mini wood saw that was bought and kept
Hammer and nails
Fave white paint and brush
This will go into shower with me to wash off the paint
They look like Japanese doors to me. I think you are trying to make a pergola or something for a flowering vine. While you are at it, could you make one for me too?
Saya pun nak tempah satu. Can't wait to see what you are up too. back to school already and feeling so unproductive. Sweet Dream.
aren't you the handy girl!!! Looks like a trellis maybe???? Do you have a wonderful climber you want to show off??? Can't wait to see.
Yeap, I think you are building a climber for a vine. I love your DIY household posts.
Haha you guys are good in guessing :))
have you tried using some oil (olive or sunflower. whatever oil you have in the kitchen?) plus some salt to get rid of paint on your body? I am assuming you use oil base paint hence the turp. Its a better solution than using turpetine in the shower. i know the smell...and the dryness after.
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