18 February 2011
Carrots 1.5 months, daikons 2 weeks old.
This patch is so romantic filled with marigold haha.
I used marigold a lot here as general (root) pest deterrent.
Carrots 2 months, daikons 1 month old.
16 March 2011
Carrots 2.5 months, daikons 1.5 months old.
23 March 2011
Carrots almost 3 months, daikons almost 2 months old.
2 April 2011
Carrots 3 months, daikons 2 months old.
8 April 2011
Harvest time!!

I actually wanted to wait a little bit longer for the daikons to be harvested but my little assistant didn't allow me, lol. All harvest done by her.
It would be good if i waited for another month to harvest the daikons. But ok lar the size at this stage... And you're asking where are my carrots?
Can you see my carrots?
I couldn't believe this, the top parts looked so good but the bottom parts... walamak, we all had a good laugh.
And so the bed is cleared. I buried some chicken manure and some organic fertilizer the same evening. Will start another batch of veggie very soon.
Birthday month

Look at this beautiful nuno felt brooch i received from Terrie. The work is so neat and look at the colour, i immediately fell in love with this beauty. I'm really impressive with all the crafts made by her own. 多谢嗮你啊,Terrie!
Happy Birthday! Is it today?
Your carrots are cute. I see baby carrots for sale at the organic department in Tesco.
Did you make your own veggie bed? I have been contemplating how to make one that is dog proof. Finally I bought 6 big clay pots in Ipoh yesterday. I thought of you when I was there.
Happy Birthday, Milka! Your daikon are really nice. Try again with the carrots. Enjoy the beautiful flowers from your sweet hubby!
One: Thank you for the wishes, my birthday falls on 4/4 :). I made my own veggie beds before but they looked very messy. And my big dog loved to sun bath in the beds, headache headache... So i had to ask the contractor to make the beds for me. It cost me RM200 for the tailor made border (cement). It is definitely worth to invest :)
Kitchen flovours: Thank you. Although i didn't get to taste the carrots but i enjoy the sweet smell from the leaves, everytime i go to the garden would sure pluck some for my nose :)
Happy Belated Birthday Milka! Love the daikon, my favourite diet veggie, though sorry about that tiny little carrots! I want to try to plant them next see how they grow. Im wondering about your pest deterrent - marigold, did you just spread the petals on the bed? I thought you planted them there among the veggies. But I guess they worked right, I see no pests there!
p3chandan: Thank you thank you. I had marigold planted in the same bed, but at the other side which is not shown in the photo. The plant grew so big that's why i only want one in the bed. So every time when i trimmed the marigold, i would cut them into pieces and spread or buried them near the roots. They worked very well :)
Selamat Hari Jadi! Don't worry about the carrots it has grown nicely it is just you pick it up too early. Carrots take so long to grow. Mine sometime have to wait 4 months baru nampak ada isi. Sometime pun nampak macam baby carrot je. Hold off the fertiliser too (especially nitrogen fertiliser), it will give more foliage rather than growing fat roots. Too much fertiliser will cause the root to be forky as well. You have done very well with the carrots so you will have no problem growing them again.
Diana: Thank you. Haha and thank you for the encouragement. I read from the internet that carrots should be harvested by 3mths old, haiya... I seldom put fertilizer on my veggies, only chicken manure once in a blue moon, but i don't how much is the nitrogen level :( Thank you for sharing your experience, i'll take not of that :)
Happy Birthday to you Milka!
Your carrots looks like some of my gardening adventures. :o)
Listen to your hubby and don't work so hard.
Happy Birthday for the whole month. 4th April is our "Children's Day" 兒童節. 願你天天都啦咁快樂.
Happy Birthday!!!!!
That's a lot of Radish! SOrry about your carrot though....
Sunflower bouquet? Wow! so sweet hubby!
Came back to check on your birth date. My neighbour's bd is also on the same day. We went to FRIM together on that day.
Useful cement veggie bed. Looks good too. My pots only costed me RM48 for all 6. Very cheap in Ipoh. Pretty big too. But not as nice and practical as yours. It'll do for now.
Mary, Terrie, Malar: Thank you for the wishes :)
One: Haha thanks for coming back to check.
Hope I'm not too late to say Happy Birthday to you. Your daikon is fantastic. Congrats on the good harvest. Bet the soup was extra tasty.
happy late birthday!!! your garden is looking good!
Sorry so late in Wishing you a very happy birthday! No tools? well the flowers are even better.
I hope you enjoyed your veggies!
How do you prepare daikon?
happy birthday! stay young & lovely! wah your daikons so big as compared to what i got from my plants previously. don't fret...replant yr carrots. my recent carrot sprouts died on me :(
Rosie, Tootsie: Thanky you :)
Rosey: I love daikon in my steamboat, and it is good in my soup too.
Petite nyonya: Don't give up yet! Although i didn't get a bite from my carrots, but i'll surely try again. I love the smell from the leaves ;)
Milka, Happy belated Birthday! Your hubby is so sweet to give you flowers. I bet he wishes you lots of sunshine in your life. I use daikon in soups too. The Japanese styled daikon salada and daikon in tempura sauce also tastes good.
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